Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

So I am not officially finished with this book, but I have to say that I am excited and super impressed by the good feelings I got when I read it. I was so excited to change my "thoughts" and direct my feelings to good. I feel like I have so many questions for the "Secret Team" about the whole concept of it, but overall, I totally believe in the law of attraction. I used to think it was karma, what goes around comes around. I have put it into practice since I started reading it and have nothing but positive results. I want to have a good attitude and stop thinking about what I don't have or dont' want. I am blessed with so much and am thankful that I can use my mind for powerful things, like shifting my feelings. And what is the harm in thinking positive? I have been happier and my outlook in life is nothing but joyful. I think being LDS and having the Gospel has also helped me with this, but The Secret has just brought it out in a different way and reminded me that I have the power within me to be whatever I want. I'm excited to finish up and I'm sure I'll have more to say when I'm done.

1 comment:

Julie said...

JaNece darlin'! You amaze me. How do you have time to read all these good books, start a business, and keep up with motherhood. Only you can do it! I too have read this book and have watch the movie. Both Steve and I have resolved to be more positive thinkers. The mind is a powerful thing.
We love you!